What Is An Assist In Baseball? (Everything You Need to Know)

What Is An Assist In Baseball?

Have you ever heard the term “assist” in baseball and wondered what it meant? Well, look no further because we are here to break it down for you. An assist in baseball is an important defensive statistic that is used to credit a fielder for contributing to an out. It is a crucial aspect of the game that often goes unnoticed by the casual fan, but is highly valued by coaches and players alike.

In this article, we will delve into the specifics of what an assist is, how it is recorded, and its importance in evaluating defensive performance. So, whether you’re a die-hard fan or just learning the game, read on to discover everything you need to know about assists in baseball!

Difference Between Assist And Putout

In baseball, “assist” and “putout” are two different types of defensive statistics that measure a player’s contribution to making an out.

An assist is credited to a fielder who touches the ball in the field of play and helps to put out a runner. For example, if a shortstop fields a ground ball and throws to first base to retire the batter, he would receive an assist. Similarly, if an outfielder throws the ball to an infielder who then tags out a runner trying to advance, both players would receive assists.

A putout, on the other hand, is credited to a fielder who is primarily responsible for making the out. For example, if a first baseman catches a pop-up for the third out of an inning, he would receive a putout. Likewise, if a catcher catches a third strike for a strikeout, he would receive a putout.

In essence, an assist is awarded to the fielder who helps to complete the out, while a putout is awarded to the fielder who actually makes the out.

When is an Assist not counted?

In various sports, an assist may not be counted if:

  • The scorer takes too many steps or commits a violation before scoring.
  • The ball is deflected or tipped by an opposing player before the scorer gains possession.
  • The scorer was fouled before scoring and made a free throw.
  • The scorer was awarded a technical foul and made a free throw.
  • The scorer scored on an offensive rebound after missing a shot.
  • The scorer made a field goal after a timeout was called.
  • The scorer traveled before making the shot.

The rules regarding outfield assists can vary depending on the sport and league, so it’s important to check the specific rules for each sport to understand when an assist is counted.

How Does An Outfielder Get An Assist?

An outfielder can get an assist in baseball by throwing the ball to another fielder who tags out a runner or forces them out at a base. To be credited with an assist, the outfielder’s throw must be a significant contributing factor in getting out.

For example, if an outfielder catches a fly ball and throws it to the catcher, who then tags out a runner at home plate, the outfielder would be credited with an assist. Similarly, if an outfielder fields a ball hit into the gap and throws it to the shortstop, who then tags out a runner attempting to steal second base, the outfielder would also be credited with an assist.

What is considered an assist in baseball?

In a baseball game, an assist is awarded to a defensive player who contributes to an out by making a significant defensive play that directly leads to the retirement of a batter or a baserunner.

The most common types of assists are fielding assists, where a player fields a batted ball and throws it to another player to record an out, and throwing assists, where a player throws out a baserunner attempting to advance or score.

For example, if a shortstop fields a ground ball and throws it to the first baseman, who then tags the base before the runner reaches it, the shortstop would be credited with a fielding assist, while the first baseman would be credited with a putout.

How Does a Pitcher Get an Assist?

In baseball, a pitcher can be credited with an assist if they contribute to an out being made on a play. This typically happens when the pitcher throws the ball to a fielder who then makes the putout. For example, if a batter hits a ground ball to the shortstop and the shortstop throws it to the first baseman to make the out, the pitcher would receive an assist for their contribution to the play.

Pitchers can also receive an assist if they start a double play or if they pick off a runner. In order to receive an assist, the pitcher must make a deliberate and successful play that contributes to the out being made.


In conclusion, an assist is a statistic given to a player who helps in a defensive play that leads to an out. An assist can be awarded to a fielder who touches the ball during a play that results in an out or to a player who makes a relay throw that contributes to an out. The primary purpose of the assist statistic is to track the contributions of defensive players and their impact on the game. The number of assists a player records is an important metric used to evaluate their defensive abilities and can factor into individual and team success.


What is the difference between putout and assist in baseball?

Putout and assist are both statistics used in baseball to track defensive plays. A putout is recorded when a defensive player makes a play that results in an out, while an assist is recorded when a defensive player contributes to a putout by touching the ball before the out is made.

What is an outfield assist?

An outfield assist is a statistic in baseball that measures a defensive play made by an outfielder that results in an out. This occurs when an outfielder throws the ball to a teammate in order to get an opposing baserunner out, either at a base or by tagging them out.

What is a catcher assist?

A catcher assist is a statistical record in baseball that is given to a catcher when they make a play that results in an out or a putout. This can include catching a pitched ball, throwing out a baserunner attempting to steal a base, or fielding a bunt and throwing out the batter.

How does a player get an assist?

In team sports like basketball, soccer, or hockey, a player can get an assist by passing the ball to a teammate who then scores a goal or makes a basket. An assist is credited to the player who made the pass, and it is a way to recognize their contribution to the team’s success.

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