How Fast Can The Average Person Throw A Baseball?

How Fast Can The Average Person Throw A Baseball?

Are you a sports enthusiast curious about the speed at which the average person can throw a baseball? Well, look no further! The speed at which someone can throw a baseball varies depending on several factors such as age, gender, and level of physical fitness. Generally speaking, the average person can throw a baseball at a speed of around 60 miles per hour (mph). However, this speed can vary greatly and can be influenced by factors such as training, experience, and physical characteristics. In this article, we will explore how fast can the average person throw a baseball.

How fast can a baseball player throw a ball?

Baseball is a sport that requires a combination of physical strength, technique, and skill. One of the most important skills for a pitcher is the ability to throw the ball fast. We will discuss how fast a baseball player can throw the ball at different age ranges, how to improve throwing speed, and other related topics.

Age and Throwing Speed

Age is a significant factor when it comes to throwing speed in baseball. Here is a breakdown of how fast a player can throw a ball in different age ranges:

  • 10 years and below: At this age, most players can throw a ball between 30-40 miles per hour (mph). However, some players may be able to throw up to 50 mph.
  • 10-12 years: Players in this age range can usually throw a ball between 40-55 mph. However, some players may be able to throw up to 60 mph.
  • 13-14 years: Players in this age range can usually throw a ball between 50-70 mph. However, some players may be able to throw up to 80 mph.
  • Young adults in high school: Players in high school can throw a ball between 60-95 mph. However, some players may be able to throw up to 100 mph.

Improving Throwing Speed

If you want to improve your throwing speed, there are several things you can do:

  • Practice regularly: Throwing a baseball is a skill that requires practice. To improve your throwing speed, you need to practice throwing regularly. Start by throwing a ball against a wall or with a partner.
  • Focus on technique: Good technique is essential for throwing a ball fast. Make sure you are using proper throwing mechanics and that your body is properly aligned. Focus on using your legs, hips, and core to generate power when you throw.
  • Strengthen your arm: Building strength in your arm is important for throwing a ball fast. You can do this by doing exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, and weightlifting.
  • Get enough rest: Rest is essential for muscle recovery and growth. Make sure you are getting enough sleep and allowing your muscles time to rest between workouts.

Average MLB Pitching Speed

The average pitching speed in Major League Baseball (MLB) is around 93 mph. However, some pitchers can throw much faster than this. The fastest recorded pitch in MLB history was thrown by Aroldis Chapman, who threw a ball at 105.1 mph in 2010.

Can Anyone Throw 90 mph?

Throwing a baseball at 90 mph requires a combination of physical strength, technique, and skill. While not everyone can throw a ball at this speed, it is possible to improve your throwing speed with practice and training.

How Fast Should a 17-Year-Old Pitch?

A 17-year-old pitcher in high school should be able to throw a ball between 75-90 mph. However, some pitchers may be able to throw faster than this. It’s important to remember that throwing speed can vary depending on factors such as size, strength, and technique.

Do Taller Pitchers Throw Faster?

Height can be an advantage for pitchers in baseball. Taller pitchers can generate more leverage when throwing, which can help them throw the ball faster. However, it’s important to note that height alone does not determine throwing speed. Technique, strength, and other factors also play a significant role. You may read also What Does MRP Mean In Baseball

How can I improve my pitching velocity?

Improving pitching velocity requires a combination of physical and technical skills, as well as consistent practice. Here are some key areas to focus on:


Developing strength in the muscles used for pitching can improve the power and speed of your pitches. Exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses can help build overall strength, while specific exercises like medicine ball throws and plyometric drills can target explosive power.

Pitching Techniques:

There are several pitching techniques that can help increase velocity, such as maximizing leg drive, optimizing stride length, and improving arm speed. Working with a pitching coach can help identify areas for improvement and develop a personalized training plan.

Consistent Practice:

Practicing regularly is essential for improving pitching velocity. In addition to working on pitching mechanics, focus on building endurance and developing proper throwing form. Incorporate a mix of long toss, bullpen sessions, and live pitching to build arm strength and improve accuracy.

Are There Exercises You Can Do To Improve Your Throwing Distance? 

Yes, there are exercises you can do to improve your throwing distance. One of the most effective exercises is building up your arm strength through resistance training. This can be done through weightlifting or using resistance bands to do exercises like bicep curls and tricep extensions. Additionally, practicing proper throwing mechanics is essential to maximizing your throwing distance. Focus on using your legs and hips to generate power and maintaining a smooth and efficient throwing motion.

It’s also important to work on your overall athleticism through exercises like plyometrics, which can help you develop explosive power and speed. Finally, make sure you are incorporating regular throwing practice into your routine, working on your accuracy and distance. Consistent practice and training can help you improve your throwing distance over time.


In conclusion, The average person can throw a baseball at a speed of around 50-60 miles per hour (80-96 kilometers per hour). However, it is important to note that there are many factors that can affect an individual’s throwing speed, such as age, gender, body size, and level of physical fitness. Professional baseball pitchers, for example, can throw at speeds of 90-100 miles per hour (145-160 kilometers per hour) or even faster. Nonetheless, for the average person, a throwing speed of 50-60 miles per hour is considered respectable and can be achieved through regular practice and training.


How fast do normal people throw a baseball?

The average speed for a normal person throwing a baseball is around 50-60 miles per hour (80-96 kilometers per hour). However, this can vary widely depending on factors such as age, gender, and level of training. Professional baseball players can throw much faster, with speeds exceeding 100 miles per hour (160 kilometers per hour).

How fast should an 18 year old throw a baseball?

The average fastball velocity for an 18-year-old baseball player is around 85-90 miles per hour (137-145 kilometers per hour). However, it’s important to note that there is a lot of variation in fastball speeds based on factors such as genetics, training, and technique.

How hard is it to throw a baseball 100 mph?

The fastest baseball ever recorded was thrown by Aroldis Chapman, a Cuban-born pitcher for the New York Yankees. On September 24, 2010, Chapman threw a pitch clocked at 105.1 mph (169.1 km/h) in a game against the San Diego Padres.

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