What Is LOB In Baseball? (A Guide for Fans)

What Is LOB In Baseball?

Lobbing the ball is a fundamental technique in baseball that is essential for both pitching and fielding positions. It involves throwing the ball in a high, arcing motion, as opposed to a straight and fast pitch. This technique is commonly used to throw the ball over an infielder’s head, allowing it to land in the outfield or to a player who is further away. It can also be used to throw a ball in a manner that is difficult to catch for the opposing team. Whether you are a baseball player or simply a fan of the sport, understanding the mechanics and strategy behind lobbying can greatly enhance your appreciation and enjoyment of the game. In this article, we will explore what is lob in baseball.

What are runners left on base?

In the game of baseball, runners left on base (LOB) is a statistic that represents the number of base runners who did not score a run before the end of the inning. This statistic is often used as a measure of a team’s ability to capitalize on opportunities and score runs.

A runner is considered to be left on base if they are on any base when the third out of the inning is made. For example, if a team has runners on second and third base with two outs, and the batter strikes out, both runners are left on base. If a team has a runner on first base with no outs, and the next three batters all make outs without advancing the runner, then that runner is also left on base.

The number of runners left on base can have a significant impact on the outcome of a game, as a team’s ability to score runs is often the key to winning. Teams that leave many runners on base may struggle to win close games, as they are unable to take advantage of scoring opportunities.

How is the left on base calculated?   

In baseball, “left on base” (LOB) is a statistic used to measure how many baserunners a team has stranded on the field during a game. The calculation of LOB is relatively straightforward – it simply involves adding up the total number of runners that a team has left on base over the course of the game. This includes runners who were left on base at the end of an inning, as well as runners who were stranded after being thrown out on the base paths (e.g., picked off, caught stealing, etc.).

The LOB statistic can be used to evaluate a team’s offensive performance, as it indicates how many scoring opportunities they had throughout the game that they were unable to capitalize on. A team with a high LOB may have struggled to hit with runners in the scoring position, while a team with a low LOB may have been more successful in clutch situations.

Why do baseball teams care about LOB?

LOB, or “left on base,” is a statistic in baseball that tracks the number of base runners a team fails to bring home and score a run during an inning or game. Baseball teams care about LOB because it reflects their ability to capitalize on scoring opportunities and generate runs, which are essential to winning games. A high LOB indicates that a team is struggling to convert their scoring chances into actual runs, which can result in lost games and missed opportunities. 

On the other hand, a low LOB suggests that a team is efficient at producing runs and taking advantage of their opportunities, which can translate into victories and higher overall team performance. As a result, LOB is a crucial statistic that baseball teams use to evaluate their offensive strategies and adjust their game plan accordingly.

Is there any connection between winning games and a low LOB?

There could be a connection between winning games and a low LOB (left on base) statistic in certain sports, particularly in baseball.

In baseball, LOB is a statistic that measures how many runners a team leaves on base during a game. Generally, teams that leave more runners on base have more scoring opportunities but also have a harder time capitalizing on those opportunities to score runs. Therefore, a low LOB statistic could indicate that a team is doing a good job of converting scoring opportunities into runs.

However, it’s important to note that a low LOB statistic is just one of many factors that can contribute to winning games in baseball. Other factors such as pitching, defense, and hitting with runners in scoring positions can also play a significant role in a team’s success.

How can LOB be a misleading metric?

Baseball enthusiasts and statisticians often rely on a wide range of metrics to evaluate a team’s performance, and one such metric is the Left On Base (LOB) statistic. While this metric may seem straightforward at first glance, it can be misleading due to several factors that are not immediately apparent.

LOB represents the number of runners who are left on base by a team at the end of an inning, indicating missed opportunities to score runs. However, this metric fails to take into account certain scenarios where runners are removed from the base paths before the inning ends, thus making LOB an imperfect indicator of a team’s offensive prowess.

Is a high lob good baseball?

In baseball, a “lob” is a pitch that is thrown with a high arc, typically with less speed and velocity than a fastball or other breaking pitches.

Whether a high lob is considered “good” in baseball depends on the context in which it is thrown.

If a pitcher intentionally throws a high lob as part of a strategic play, such as to catch a batter off guard or to induce a pop-up or fly ball out, then it could be considered a good pitch.


In baseball, a “LOB” refers to a runner who is “left on base” at the end of an inning. When a batter reaches base but is unable to score a run before the end of the inning, they are considered “stranded” on base and are included in the LOB statistic. LOB is a key metric in baseball because it indicates a team’s ability to capitalize on scoring opportunities. Teams with a high LOB count often struggle to bring runners home, which can hinder their overall success on the field. As such, reducing LOB is a common goal for teams and coaches looking to improve their offensive performance.


What is a good lob percentage in baseball?

In baseball, a good lob percentage for pitchers is typically around 8-10%, meaning that they throw pitches with less than 80% of their maximum velocity. However, this can vary depending on the pitcher’s individual style and the team’s strategy. Ultimately, the goal is to keep batters off balance and prevent them from getting comfortable at the plate.

How is lob calculated?

The level of service (LOB) is calculated based on the performance of a telecommunications network. It takes into account factors such as call completion rate, calls quality, and call setup time. These factors are measured and scored according to a predetermined scale, with the final LOB score being determined by the weighted average of these scores.

What is a good BB in baseball?

A good BB, or walk, in baseball is when a batter receives four pitches outside the strike zone and does not swing at them. This results in the batter being awarded first base. It is considered a positive outcome for the offensive team as it increases their chances of scoring runs.

What is the best count to hit in baseball?

In baseball, the best count to hit is typically a 3-0 count. This means the batter has three balls and no strikes, putting them in a favorable position to either take a walk or swing at a pitch with a high likelihood of being a strike. However, different batters may have different preferences and strategies for hitting on various counts.

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