What Does BB Mean In Baseball? (2023 Guide)

What Does BB Mean In Baseball?

Baseball is a popular sport played all around the world, and it has its own unique terminology and slang that can sometimes be confusing for newcomers. One term that you may have heard before is “BB,” which is often used in baseball statistics and scoring. BB is an abbreviation for “base on balls,” which is when a pitcher throws four balls outside of the strike zone, and the batter is awarded first base as a result. 

This simple yet important statistic can have a significant impact on the outcome of a game, and understanding its meaning is essential for anyone who wants to follow or play baseball. In this article, we will explore what is bb in baseball and discuss its significance in the sport. You may read also the guide on the best knee pads for baseball

Why Is BB Also Called a Walk?

In baseball, a “walk” is a term used to describe a batter who is awarded first base after four balls are thrown by the pitcher outside the strike zone. The term “BB” is also used to refer to a walk, and it stands for “base on balls.”

The origin of the term “walk” is not entirely clear, but it is believed to have come from the act of the batter walking down to first base after being awarded the base on balls. The term has been in use since the 1860s and has become a standard part of baseball terminology.

A walk can be a significant advantage for the batting team, as it gives them a runner on base without having to get a hit. It can also be frustrating for the pitcher, who is essentially giving away a free base. A pitcher who throws too many walks is considered to have poor control and may not be successful in the long term.

The term “BB” for a walk likely came about as a shorthand way of keeping track of statistics. It is commonly used in scorekeeping and statistical analysis to indicate the number of walks a player has received in a game, season, or career.

What are the Total Bases a Player Can Take on a BB?

In baseball, a “BB” stands for a “base on balls,” which is also known as a walk. When a batter receives a walk, it means that the pitcher has thrown four pitches that are outside the strike zone, and the batter is awarded first base without having to swing the bat. While a walk doesn’t count as a hit, it still allows the batter to get on base and potentially score a run.

In terms of total bases, a player can only take one base on a BB. This means that if a player receives a walk, they can only advance to first base and cannot take any additional bases unless another player hits the ball and they are able to advance. You may read the ultimate guide on the best Japanese baseball gloves

What is the Difference Between BB, HBP, and IBB in Baseball?

In baseball, BB, HBP, and IBB are three different statistics used to describe different types of plate appearances.

BB, short for base on balls, occurs when a pitcher throws four pitches outside of the strike zone and the batter does not swing. This results in the batter being awarded first base without putting the ball in play.

HBP, short for hit by pitch, occurs when a pitcher throws a pitch that hits the batter. This results in the batter being awarded first base without putting the ball in play.

IBB, short for the intentional base on balls, occurs when the pitcher intentionally throws four pitches outside of the strike zone to walk a batter. This is often done when the team believes it is strategically better to face the next batter than to pitch to the current one.

While all three statistics result in the batter reaching first base without putting the ball in play, the circumstances surrounding each one are different. BB and HBP occur as a result of the pitcher’s control or lack thereof, while IBB is a strategic decision made by the pitcher and the team.

Are Walks Important in Baseball?

Yes, walks are important in baseball as they are a way for a batter to reach first base without having to hit the ball. Walks are awarded when the pitcher throws four pitches outside the strike zone or when the batter is hit by a pitch. This is beneficial for the batting team as it increases their chances of scoring runs and puts pressure on the opposing team’s defense. 

Walks can also be used strategically by batters who are patient and selective at the plate, forcing the pitcher to throw more pitches and potentially tire out or make mistakes. Overall, walks may not be as flashy as hits or home runs, but they are a valuable tool in a team’s offensive arsenal.

What Does BB/9 Mean for Pitchers?

BB/9 is a statistic used in baseball to measure a pitcher’s control and ability to avoid issuing walks. It represents the number of walks a pitcher allows per nine innings pitched. BB/9 stands for “walks per nine innings.”

A high BB/9 indicates that a pitcher has poor control and tends to give up too many free passes. This can lead to longer innings, higher pitch counts, and more opportunities for the opposing team to score runs. Conversely, a low BB/9 indicates that a pitcher has good control and is able to limit the number of walks they issue.

In general, pitchers with low BB/9 ratios are more valuable and effective than those with high ratios. This is because they are less likely to put runners on base via walks and thus have a better chance of keeping runs off the board. You may read the expert guide on the best outfield gloves for Baseball

Can a Hitter Refuse a Walk in Baseball?

In baseball, a walk is an outcome that occurs when the pitcher throws four balls outside the strike zone to a batter. The batter is then awarded first base without having to make contact with the ball. However, unlike in other sports, a hitter in baseball cannot refuse a walk. 

Once the pitcher throws four balls outside the strike zone, the batter is entitled to take first base, regardless of whether they want to or not. A walk is generally considered to be a positive outcome for the batting team, as it puts a runner on base without using up one of their precious outs. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that a hitter would ever refuse a walk in baseball.

What is the difference between a BB and a hit-by-pitch?

A BB is when the pitcher fails to throw hittable pitches or misses the strike zone, whereas hit-by-pitch is when the batter is hit by a pitched ball. Both results in the batter reaching base but are different in terms of how it happened.


In conclusion, A walk is awarded to a batter when the pitcher throws four balls outside of the strike zone, and the batter does not swing at any of them. This results in the batter being awarded first base without hitting the ball. BB is a crucial statistic in baseball, as it can impact a team’s ability to score runs and win games. A high number of walks can indicate a pitcher’s lack of control, while a high number of walks for a batter can suggest that they have good plate discipline. You may check also the best baseball pitchback net

FAQ: What Is BB in Baseball?

What does BB stand for in baseball?

BB stands for “base on balls.” It is a term used to describe when a batter is awarded a free pass to first base after the pitcher fails to throw him hittable pitches or misses the strike zone.

What is an intentional walk in baseball?

An intentional walk is a maneuver used by the defense to give the batter a free pass to first base. This is done by deliberately throwing four balls outside of the strike zone to avoid having the batter hit a home run or a base hit.

Is BB a common term in MLB?

Yes, BB is a common term used in Major League Baseball and other baseball leagues around the world.

What is the significance of BB in a baseball game?

BB is a significant statistic in baseball as it reflects a batter’s ability to get on base and take advantage of opportunities to score runs.

Does a BB count as a stat for the pitcher?

Yes, a BB is counted as a stat for the pitcher. It is considered a negative stat as it reflects the pitcher’s inability to throw hittable pitches or keep the ball within the strike zone.

How does BB affect the batter’s on-base percentage?

BB affects the batter’s on-base percentage as it is one of the ways in which a batter can reach base. On-base percentage is a statistic that measures a batter’s ability to reach base safely.

Can a BB score a run in baseball?

Yes, a BB can score a run in baseball. If there are runners on base and the bases are loaded, a BB will force the runner on third base to advance to home plate, scoring a run.

What does BB mean after a baseball player’s name?

“BB” after a baseball player’s name refers to their total number of walks in a given season or throughout their career. Walks, or “bases on balls,” occur when a pitcher throws four balls outside of the strike zone and the batter does not swing at them.

Does a BB count as a base?

It depends on the context in which the term “BB” is being used. In some contexts, such as in the game of baseball, “BB” typically stands for “base on balls,” which is a type of event that can occur during a player’s plate appearance but does not involve physically touching a base.

How is BB calculated in baseball?

In baseball, “BB” stands for “base on balls,” which is another term for a walk. A walk occurs when a pitcher throws four pitches outside the strike zone, and the batter does not swing at them. BB is calculated by adding up the total number of walks a player has received over a given period of time.

What does batting 300 mean?

Batting 300 refers to a baseball player’s batting average, which is the ratio of hits to at-bats in a given period. A batting average of 0.300 means that the player has hit safely in 30% of their at-bats. This is considered a significant achievement in baseball, as it indicates consistent performance at the plate.

Can a batter advance beyond the first base after a BB?

Yes, a batter can advance beyond the first base after a BB (base on balls), also known as a walk. When a batter receives a BB, they are allowed to take first base. If there are runners on base, they must wait for those runners to advance before they can attempt to do so themselves. Once all runners have advanced or are forced to advance, the batter can attempt to advance to second base and beyond if the opportunity presents itself. However, they cannot leave the base before the pitcher has delivered the ball to home plate. If they do so, they may be called out for illegally leaving the base.

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