Do Baseballs Float? (The Science Behind Baseballs and Water)

Do Baseballs Float?

Are you curious to know whether baseballs float or sink in water? It’s a common misconception that a baseball, being made of leather and filled with air, would naturally float. However, the reality is quite different.

Despite its airy interior, a baseball actually sinks in water. This raises the question – why does this happen? The answer lies in the materials used to construct the ball and the stitching that holds it together.

These factors contribute to the weight of the ball, causing it to sink when placed in water. While it may be surprising, understanding the reason why baseballs sink can offer insight into the physics behind the sport.

In this article, we will explore the science behind this phenomenon and provide a detailed explanation of why baseballs don’t float.

Do Baseballs Float?

Yes, baseballs can float, but the circumstances in which they will float depend on a few factors.

Firstly, baseballs are made of cork and rubber, with a leather covering. This means that they are not completely water-resistant, and they can absorb water if they are submerged for a prolonged period of time. If a baseball becomes waterlogged, it will no longer float and will sink to the bottom of the body of water.

However, if a baseball is in good condition and is simply placed on the surface of the water, it can float. This is because the volume of air trapped inside the baseball is enough to keep it buoyant. The weight of the baseball is distributed evenly across its surface area, which allows it to displace enough water to stay afloat.

It is important to note that the conditions of the water can also impact whether a baseball will float. For example, if the water is choppy or has strong currents, the baseball may be moved around and eventually sink. Similarly, if the water is too deep or the baseball is thrown too far out, it may not be able to be retrieved easily.

Baseballs can float under certain conditions, but they are not completely water-resistant and can sink if they become waterlogged.

How Long Do Baseballs Float?

Baseballs are made of cork, rubber, and leather, and are designed to be used for playing baseball games. However, they can also float in water due to their construction and physical properties.

The buoyancy of a baseball depends on several factors, including its weight, density, and the amount of air inside it. Typically, a new baseball will float for a few seconds before sinking to the bottom of the water. However, a worn-out or waterlogged ball may float for a longer period.

The size and weight of a baseball are regulated by official baseball organizations, such as Major League Baseball (MLB), and must meet specific standards to be used in games. The circumference of a baseball is around 9 inches, and it weighs approximately 5 ounces. Due to its small size and weight, a baseball is not very buoyant, and it can easily sink in water.

The amount of air inside a baseball affects its buoyancy. If a baseball is fully inflated, it will float for a shorter period than a partially deflated ball. Furthermore, a worn-out baseball with a softer core may have more air inside it, making it more buoyant than a new ball. You may check also the guide on the best baseball pants for tall skinny players

What are Baseballs Made of?

Baseballs are the essential equipment used in the game of baseball. They are small, round balls that are approximately 3 inches in diameter and weigh about 5 ounces. These balls are made up of a combination of different materials.

The core of the baseball is made up of rubber or cork, which gives the ball its shape and weight. The rubber or cork center is then wrapped in several layers of tightly wound yarn made from either wool or a blend of wool and synthetic fibers. This yarn layer gives the ball its resilience and helps it maintain its shape.

The next layer is a thin coating of rubber cement, which helps the yarn layer adhere to the outer covering. The outer covering of the ball is made up of two pieces of leather, which are stitched together with a red cotton thread. This stitching pattern gives the ball its iconic pattern of raised seams, which helps pitchers grip the ball and control its movement.

Baseballs are made up of a combination of rubber, cork, yarn, leather, and cotton thread. The specific materials used may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer and intended use of the ball, but the basic construction remains the same. The combination of these materials gives the baseball its unique properties, making it an essential component of the game of baseball.

How to Dry Waterlogged Baseballs?

When baseballs become waterlogged, they become heavy and their performance can be affected. Fortunately, there are several effective ways to dry waterlogged baseballs.

The first method is to use a towel to dry off the baseballs. Simply wrap the ball in a dry towel and apply pressure to remove the excess water. Repeat this process several times until the ball is no longer dripping wet.

Another effective method is to place the waterlogged baseballs in a container filled with uncooked rice. The rice will absorb the moisture from the baseballs, effectively drying them out. Leave the baseballs in the rice for several hours or overnight, and then remove them from the container.

If you don’t have rice on hand, you can also use a desiccant like silica gel packets. Simply place the waterlogged baseballs in a sealed container with the packets and leave them for several hours or overnight.

Alternatively, you can use a fan or hairdryer to dry out the baseballs. Place the ball in front of a fan or hold a hairdryer on low heat a few inches away from the ball and move it around until it is dry.

Does A Baseball Bat Float?

If you’ve ever wondered whether a baseball bat can float, the answer is yes, it can! Despite being made of wood, a baseball bat can float on water due to the specific type of wood used in its construction.

Most baseball bats are made from hard maple and wood ash, which are both types of wood that are known to float in water. However, it’s not as simple as placing a bat on the surface of the water and watching it stay afloat.

Due to the specific construction of baseball bats, they have a tendency to absorb water to some extent. The ash wood used in their manufacture is not as dense as other types of wood, which means it can become waterlogged if left in water for too long.

However, in most cases, a baseball bat will float on the water despite its weight. This is because the bat is usually made from a single piece of wood, which means it has a relatively small surface area in contact with the water. As a result, the buoyancy force of the water is sufficient to keep the bat afloat.

Which balls can float on water?

Generally, balls that are less dense than water can float on their surface. Some examples of balls that can float on the water include:

  • Beach balls: These are typically made of plastic or vinyl and filled with air, making them lightweight and buoyant.
  • Ping pong balls: These are made of lightweight plastic and have a low density, making them capable of floating on water.
  • Foam balls: These are made of lightweight foam materials and can float on water due to their low density.
  • Rubber balls: Some rubber balls, such as those made for water polo, are designed to be buoyant and can float on water.

It’s worth noting that the size and weight of the ball can also affect whether or not it will float on water. Larger and heavier balls, such as basketballs or bowling balls, are generally too dense to float.


In conclusion, baseballs are capable of floating, but this is dependent on certain conditions. A baseball has a mass of approximately five ounces and is made up of a cork center wrapped with rubber, yarn, and leather. When a baseball is dry, it is denser than water, so it will sink when placed in water. However, when the baseball is submerged and the core absorbs water, it increases in size and reduces its overall density. This causes the ball to float. Additionally, if the ball is coated with a waterproof material, it can float even when dry. 


Can a baseball go in the water?

Yes, a baseball can go in the water. However, due to its weight and density, a baseball will sink to the bottom of the water. If left in water for an extended period of time, the ball may become waterlogged and lose its ability to bounce or fly properly.

Are baseballs filled with air?

Baseballs are not filled with air, but rather with a small cork or rubber core that is surrounded by layers of tightly wound yarn and then covered in leather. The tightly wound layers of yarn give the ball its firmness and shape, while the leather covering provides the ball’s durability and grip.

Do rubber balls sink or float?

It depends on the density of the rubber ball. Most rubber balls used for games and sports such as basketballs, soccer balls, and tennis balls are less dense than water, so they float. However, some rubber balls, such as those made for bowling, may be more dense than water and will sink.

Is the ball a floating object?

No, a ball is not typically considered a floating object. Floating refers to an object that is partially or fully submerged in a fluid and is supported by buoyancy. A ball, on the other hand, is a solid object that does not rely on buoyancy to stay afloat.

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